Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi #TLJ

Luke Skywalker
Just like after The Force Awakens we have plenty of mixed reactions to The Last Jedi. Many of which center around Luke Skywalker and what the film did or didn't do for his legacy.

Sure, I can see why everybody wanted to see some bad a** version of Luke and if you ask me we got that with his final scene. Here's what else hits home. Remember a little sequel called Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes back? Well, what Jedi master does Luke go to see on Dagobah? Yoda. What was Yoda like? A hermit eating slop for food. Yoda appeared nothing like a Jedi master at first. Luke didn't even want to believe he was the great Jedi master Yoda.

Empire is considered by many one of the best Star Wars films and one of the best sequel's ever so why doesn't The Last Jedi get the same love?

I thought it was hilarious when Luke threw the light saber over his head with no regard. Didn't see that coming! I thought it was great.

So many elements of the movie were so good. The only two things that really sort of made me go WTF was Leia floating threw space and the awkward quasi love scene going on with Rose and Finn.

I give The Last Jedi 5 out of 5 stars. ★★★★★

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